Welcome to this page,a detailed description of the flash file you have come across and How To Use it.
It is a Huawei Ascend G630-U10 flash file (Stock Firmware File),currently in zip package, after unloading it will be unzip, then you can use it.
File Information
File Name: Huawei Ascend G630-U10
File Type: Zip
File Size: 669MB
Version: Huawei_Ascend_G630-U10_V100R001C00B125CUSTC428D001
Download This File
How To Use
1. Download and extract the File on your computer
2. Install the USB Driver on your computer
3. Open a flashing tool in your computer
4. Connected your phone USB cable to computer
5. Click the start or connect button
6. Insert battery in mobile
It is a Huawei Ascend G630-U10 flash file (Stock Firmware File),currently in zip package, after unloading it will be unzip, then you can use it.
File Information
File Name: Huawei Ascend G630-U10
File Type: Zip
File Size: 669MB
Version: Huawei_Ascend_G630-U10_V100R001C00B125CUSTC428D001

Download This File
How To Use
1. Download and extract the File on your computer
2. Install the USB Driver on your computer
3. Open a flashing tool in your computer
4. Connected your phone USB cable to computer
5. Click the start or connect button
6. Insert battery in mobile