Sports is2 Flash File Spd 6531A

Welcome to this page,a detailed description of the flash file you have come across and How To Use.    
We've used the USB driver and flash tool to flash this mobile phone in flash firmware file.   
It is a Sports is2 flash file ,currently in zip package, after unloading it will be unzip, then you can use it. Before unziping, you need to make payments,contact us for payment.Download the flash file and after unzip the free, get all our information.

File Information                 
File Name: Sports is2

CPU Name: 6531A
Flash ID: 00EF004000160000
Flash Name: W25Q32BV
Flash Size: 0x400000->4.0M

Download Sports is2 Flash File Spd 6531A
Follow Flashing video Tutorial 
Read Demo
  >>> Scanning Mobile USB Port...
    Detecting COM Port COM14
>>> Connecting Mobile,Wait..
    Mobile Connection Success.
    Project ID: SPRD3
>>> Downloading First Boot...
    CPU Name: 6531A
    Flash ID: 00EF004000160000
    Flash Name: W25Q32BV
    Flash Size: 0x400000->4.0M
>>> Reading Flash,Wait...
    Read Done.

How To Flash
1. Download and extract the File on your computer.
2. Install the USB Driver on your computer.
3. Open a flashing tool in your computer.
4. Connected your phone USB cable to computer.
5. Click the start or connect button.
6. Insert battery in mobile
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